Thursday, July 12, 2012

Regular or Decaf?

Yup, I miss those days. The days of sitting upon my "throne" in 309 and 310 St. Edward's Hall on the campus of Our Lady's University, enjoying the finest coffee that money could buy at the local Martin's grocery store and engaging friends in both deep and light conversation.

I have to admit, in all honesty, I've not had much success with blogs. My previous two didn't last very long primarily because (I believe) their scope was far too narrow. Nearly all social media in today's day in age is geared towards random (and mostly unnecessary) outbursts that happen to pop into the head of the author. (and I'm not actually referring to Twitter... ok, I guess maybe I really am)

This blog seeks to be broader in scope and cover a wider range of topics and (hopefully) succeed where my previous attempts at spilling my consciousness failed. Comments are encouraged and eagerly awaited!

For your viewing pleasure, to the right is a photograph taken from my personal archives. I'm pretty sure the skilled photographer was none other than Patrick, former two-time Station Manager of "The Sound of Notre Dame", WSND 88.9 FM. Portrayed in the picture is myself on the right and Kyle, "Servant of the Kingdom" on the left. Judging from the Chesteron volume I am reading, this was taken in my final semester at Notre Dame.


  1. Chesterton, Pink Floyd, booze...seems like a good time!

    1. Haha! And those were only the weeknight study sessions :)
